
Developing underwater imaging systems and analyzing image datasets with artificial intelligence.

Research at a glance

I am an optical and computer vision engineer with a passion to develop novel technology for nature exploration. 
   During my PhD, I led projects on development of underwater optical instruments that are used to study the biological and physical dynamics of the ocean. My current project as a postdoctoral scholar utilizes a machine learning framework to analyze a large image dataset from an in situ underwater microscope.

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A low-cost underwater imaging system for zooplankton studies

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Video Velocimeter

An optical instrument for 3D underwater bulkflow estimation

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A deep learning framework for analyzing image data sets from an underwater microscope

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Moore Microscope

A laser-pulsed fluorescence and darkfield microscopy for aquatic microogranisms


The In situ Plankton Assemblage eXplorer (IPAX): An inexpensive underwater imaging system for zooplankton study

The IPAX is a low-cost underwater imaging system that can capture images and videos of zooplankton in their natural habitats. 
○ Based on the Raspberry Pi environment.
○ Utilizes high-power LEDs with Fresnel lens focusing to illuminate small transparent  organisms. 

In the second generation, the IPAX is equipped with a stereoscopic vision system with Scheimpflug optics to increase 3D sampling volume.
○ Can be used to localize positions of small aquatic organisms in 3D
○ Can instantaneous measure body length of organisms in free space. 

Lertvilai, Pichaya. "The In situ Plankton Assemblage eXplorer (IPAX): An inexpensive underwater imaging system for zooplankton study." Methods in Ecology and Evolution 11.9 (2020): 1042-1048.

► The second generation with stereoscopic capability is current under review for publication.

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3D tracking algorithm of aquatic insect in situ
Video Velocimeter

In Situ Underwater Average Flow Velocity Estimation Using a Low-Cost Video Velocimeter

The video velocimeter is a low-cost optical instrument designed to measure 3D velocity of underwater current.
○ It utilizes modified particle image velocimetry technique to measure flow from ambient particles.
○ It is equipped with a unique optical design that split the view of a single camera into a stereoscopic view for 3D reconstruction.
○ The instrument is verified with field experiments to achieve desirable accuracy for underwater flow measurement. 

Lertvilai, Pichaya, Paul LD Roberts, and Jules S. Jaffe. "In Situ Underwater Average Flow Velocity Estimation Using a Low-Cost Video Velocimeter." Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 38.6 (2021): 1143-1156.

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Recording of particles from a field study showing split-view stereoscopy

A deep learning framework for zooplankton study 

A machine learning framework is used to analyze more than a billion images from an underwater microscope system to determine the abundance of zooplankton in Southern California and the environmental factors that drive it. 
○ Utilize a RESNET18 architecture with Pytorch framework.
○ Utilize parallel computing to accelerate analyses. 

►SPICI is a data management framework to accelerate data handling from server (initially developed by Kevin Le) 
►SPC ML is the deep learning framework used in this research to classify zooplankton. 

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Moore Microscope

Label-free underwater single-cell and fluorescence imaging of aquatic microorganisms with laser-pulsed darkfield microscopy

The Moore Underwater Microscope is a powerful microscope for studying aquatic microorganisms in situ. 
○ Equipped with two high-resolution cameras to capture both fluorescence (450nm excitation) and darkfield (with holographic capability) images at the same time.
○ Generate ~350MB/s of data that are processed by an on-board Jetson TX1 and stored in NVMe drive.
○ Connect with an iPad through an underwater WIFI cable for real-time image feedback underwater for diver deployment.
○ Achieve a detection limit of 1µm cell without using any fluorescence labels.
○ Capable of detect fluorescence of natural pigments in photosynthetic microorganisms.

► The work is in preparation for scientific publication.

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Examples video from darkfield camera from a field study in Hawaii
Holographic recording of a net tow sample

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